Sunday, 28 June 2009


June Twentysix is always so meaning full to me.. Its me BIRTHDAY! a speical year with another unforgettable birthday celebration, different people and different place.. I don know when we can celebrate together again and I really appreciate you all x

Theres really too many people that I owe them a thank.. Thanks for the birthday text from Malaysia and in UK, Thanks for the messages in facebook and friendster, Thanks for the birthday cards, Thanks for the cakes, Thanks for the pressiessss, Thanks for the accomapany, and Thanks for the LOVE xx

Thanks to you all! **The only one I drew
19 June
The birthday celebration came earlier this time where my little girl wanted to celebrate with me before she left for state.. Its a so called pre-celebration at a indoor-style BBQ in Birmingham.. Thanks for the dinner and ofcs the Fred Perry! Love you!

small cupcake with lots of LOVE

26 June
Its a simple birthday celebration with ofcs cakes candles and wishes.. The original plan was goin on as usual oldor it was raining outside.. Tiramisu by Eileen is really nice! Suprise or not it doesnt matter, thanksss! Cupcakes baking lead by Captain Yan also another blast! I know I'll NEVER walk alone =P a slow-motioned Fox running scene not really what I want, its better that I can have Fox in me bed! I don wan poster ar Jun!

FIVE cupcakesss artists

come out with artwork like these

and these.. You'll Never Walk Alone

Fox Fox Fox! a Football night is what me birthday theme!

and ofcs as usual, she and me again.. me FAV team Spain and Liverpool

27 June
Someone said she want to treat me a meal for me birthday.. It sounds good to me because I was starving at that time! went for our brunch at china town, trying out a new restaurant that we never been before.. Thanks for the accompany Darlin!

Fox in me plate? its so HOT! and.. i HEART me shirt!


It SUMMER again! although its raining again these two days but it is really nice to hide meself in the duvet for the whole day! was having a kind of picnic in Leazes last week, its not ONE, is TWO picnic in THREE days! I like sun sun sun and more sun! but not in Malaysia please, Malaysia's heat can cause sunburn! Tanning is good, not like someone, keep on finding whitening stuff, sometimes healty skin look more attractive to me, i said SOMETIMES HaHa..

What you need to have for your summer.. and its YELLOW!

and ofcs also a vest, oldor ppl said i look fat and gay in it, but so what Haha

UV mask to protect your face and prevent shade's mark on your face when you got tanned

playin games, a 'human weighing-scale', obviously the two behind is above average

the most important thing is ofcs capturin down all the happy moments! Posin Posin!

Last, would like to share with you all.. Picture of the month, a June Twentysix's baby! and, theres more to come!

Saturday, 20 June 2009


:: 19062009 ::


Im BACK! was away to Liverpool meeting up with my sister, sending her off to US, and also SHOPPING! This is the second part post related to 'Shortsssss' on 8 June.. again, its summer shopping time! I need more t-shirtsss with me back home! so, here comes the t-shirtsss hunting mission.. not many in the basket actually but half of my salary gone HaHa

ONE Burberry Hoodie

ONE 1987 Liverpool Jersey

ONE Calvin Klein T-shirt

ONE Fred Perry Polo Tee

ONE HnM Vest

TWO SoulCal Polo Tee

TWO French Connection T-shirts

'Cheshire Oak - a Guilt Free heaven'.. Imagine half of my salary goes to my own stuff, then how bout pressiesss and souvenierss for my family and friends? Now is my turn don dare to add it all up not Sling.. Im BROKE, but Im HAPPY.. bcs I know YOU are happy too!

Monday, 15 June 2009

Two For One

a long waiting date, no one in Newcastle actually willing to accompany me for movies, especially Star Trek... All those nice movies that I wanted to watch badly always end up watchin in my room instead of sitting in a cinema, SAD!

one nice SUNNY day, she and me went out for a 2-For-1 date, everything is 2-4-1 including us, Eileen named us as a 2-For-1 couple, what a LOVELY name HaHa.. as usual, the same person again, unfortunately, only she willing to sacrify sometimes.. Thanks x

heres the 2-For-1 couple

2-For-1 Wagamama Lunch

and finally the 2-For-1 Movie at Empire

We supposed to have another hi-tea break before the 2-For-1 date end.. but sometime people are tend to be selfish, theres something or someone more important for her to dump me somewhere in the town and let me walked home alone! anyway, really thanks for the accompany, I sayang you You sayang me, We are HAPPY family HaHa..

Monday, 8 June 2009


YES! Its June again! My FAVOURITE month of the year! I know its still early to receive pressiess from me friends yet or maybe theres NO one will buy me anything.. DREAM.. I keep on dreaming that me friends will buy me present every year, cant wait!

As usual, I have listed down what I want for my 2009 birthday a month before or even earlier.. and also, again, as what I normally did, theres sure some 'victim' will be listed down as well! Thanks to those who willing to become my victim or maybe is being forced, I appreciate you guys very much! Many thanks for the pressiess! Many thanks for being forced and still so sayang me! Many Many thanks!

Okay, SHORT is one of the pressie that I would like to receive on my this birthday.. is not one, but FIVE! Since Ive been in UK for bout 2years, I really don have any chance to wear short in town.. and Im goin back next month, so I need lots of SHORTS to accompany me for my holidays under the lovely SUN! For the past few days, Ive been out hunting for SHORTS in different places different shops, and finally I found FIVE that I like! Thanks again to the victims below =)

Pheng :: Topman

ahB :: Topman

Fan :: River Island

Yan Davee Eileen :: HnM

Darlin :: Topman

YEAH! Cant wait to get older Cant wait to be at home! I wan to go sunbathing with me mates! and here comes another problem.. Ive got my SHORTS.. but.. I don have nice TSHIRTs to match with them! To my lovely friendsss out there (you know who you are), Thanks alot first! Kamsamhamida! HaHaHa x

Monday, 1 June 2009


又到了我最期待的六月 每年的这个时候都会在想该送什么生日礼物给自己
今年也不例外 物质上的享受很庆幸的我家人从小到大都一一的满足我 宠坏了
其实今年的我想要来点不一样的 那就是找回原来的我 虽然听

最近发生了很多事情让我赤赤底底的崩溃了 那也好 因为它让我有了重生的勇气
很多事情发生了就是事实 改变不了就要学会接受 尊重自己爱惜自己不要轻易放弃
生命没有'Take2' 我已经浪费了一大半的人生 是时候好好

很多话很多感触其实有时候真的难以启齿 文字也许是我最擅长表达自己的一种方
给你们的话 我用我最真心最陈恳的态度传达:爱 它永远在心中

在我生命中家人对我来说永远是我的第一 你们是我的一切

很开心很幸福因为我有一个很爱我的大家庭 公公婆婆爸爸妈妈伯伯姑姑舅舅姨姨
从小到大我也惹了不少祸 叛逆任性坏脾气 但你们不曾放弃我
开心不开心也只有你们会了解我支持我 我永远都不会忘记
如果好像故事里所说的有前世今生 我希望下一世我们还是一
家人 我爱你们!

得罪人多称呼人少 那是我的个性 看起来朋友好像很多但知心好像也就那几个
我其实就是我 不认识的人我跟本不想要去理会 认识我的人也没有几个能顶我的脾气
所以我要感谢那所剩寥寥无几的朋友 谢谢你们的包
容忍耐 我应该也改不了了 哈哈

对我来说喜欢一个人是没有错的 因为感情它不像机器 根本没有一个操控它的遥控器
来来去去谈了几段感情 很对不起都是我辜负了她们对我的期望 也许我不喜欢被束缚
现在的我 单身 爱情对我来说也越来越遥远 以目前的情况来说 其实并不怎么乐观
即来之则安之 我不急 一个人的生活我还是可以活得很精