Sunday, 29 March 2009

You Are 'Beautifulest'

Ive abandon my baby D60 for such a long time since I got my D-Lux.. "Sorry baby, I know I shouldnt, I promise I will not repeat it again.." I actually got too many of em now, its really hard to be fair to some of em but I will try my best HaHa..

Was away to Glasgow last week, met the girl with the green scarf and had some nice Malaysian style foods, went to some typical castles and saw some 'cute' oxen as what one of me mate said.. Me last day in Glasgow, been brought to Livingstone where there is a place named 'Guilt-Free', for me it was a hell and I finally survived, I saw heaven after I left me Fred-Perry there.. "Im Jeffrey, Im a student, and Im a Shopaholic.." Confession? Yes Im!

Ive been extremely LAZY lately, excusesss non-stop.. Fair enough if I delayed me school works but I actually did not open me CS4 for a month, its unbelievable! I was tryin to get some photos edited and post it on but again Im sorry, Im LAZY..

Reborn of me D60 got me some nice photos but still need to be adjusted, maybe other day.. Trip to Glasgow and Isle of Skye was really fun, I guess everyone enjoyed.. Since Im LAZY and Im actually ready off to bed now, so I'll just let the photos tell the story

Monday, 23 March 2009

Switch It OFF

What will you do when its black out? I don like when it really happend, its really suffer to live without electricity. I actually spent my daily activity with those electric equipment: Lappie Ipod PSP Mobile Heater and ofcs Light! What will happen if all these cannot be used? I cant imagine..

Today again Im behind of my schedule, but Im here spending a little time to blog out something that I hoped there is someone can consider to do the same thing as me on the same day and the same time - Switch of your light on 28 March 2009 at 8:30pm (for an hour)

This coming Saturday, people, businesses and iconic buildings around the world will switch off their lights for an hour. We need a billion people around the world to sign up and join in. Sign up to show that you care about people, wildlife and the planet, and that you want the world’s leaders to take action to tackle climate change.

Please don hesitate, your help can changed the world, just flick the switch and thats it! Go on! Lets your light switch do the talking!

Friday, 20 March 2009


小时候的你 总依赖着绿叶的保护 毛毛的带点古怪的坏脾气
现在的你终于都让我相信 原来等待飞起也是成长过程中的乐趣

Monday, 16 March 2009


不懂为什么最近的我都很难入睡 今天也不例外
累次莫名其妙的吓醒从之前的我到现在的你 奇怪
一个人无聊发呆 听着那后青春期的诗 突然很想你

谢谢你把我带到这个世界上 我最尊重的你
很快我就可以见到你 期待七月夏天的到来 虽然每天都听见你的声音

粗心大意的我竟然要在两天后才发现 原来我把你和她放在一起
有时候很凶有时候又很好的你 对不起之前一直搞怪淘气 我会反省

二零零七年的九月 我离开了你的视线 但你知道你是我的一切
打从你出生的那一天 就已经决定了永远 你会一直都在我心里面

没有人会了解我们的沟通方式 或许有时候我太小气 对不起
我们一起加油努力 我知道这条路有点弯曲 但我们会一直陪着你

每次想到奇奇怪怪的东西一定会想到你 不懂你是男的还是女
我知道紫色是你最喜欢的颜色 而你知道我最爱的是你的笑声

五人当中唯有你最容易被人欺 真希望你能快点学精
给自己多点自信 学会自己做决定 记得我们永远都会支持你

我不敢相信我竟然可以挨到今天 在这里我应该说声恭喜
我知道我的坏脾气让人很难顶 但我不理 我就是我自己

人家都说你的脾气很像我 对他们来说不是一个很好的消息
虽然我们从不说上几句 但我希望你知道我还是一样的关心你

Tuesday, 3 March 2009


当风筝遇上风 迎风而飘随风而停