Oh YES! Its getting closer and closer! All I can say is I MISS YOU! Im very sad when you reject me everytime I asked you come over to speak to me, you are just too naughty! Hypothesis set to: I over pampered you and the conclusion from my data analysis is its significant! I really did! So, no more psp no more new mobile no more bring you to swimming pool and no more HaHa
Im so excited while me mom keep counting down for me in the other end, I even got my new Malaysia num 2months before I reach so that I can contact me love one at the 1st sec I step on the land! Its a long awaited holiday, I know many things has changed:
Friends - from a bunch to a few, is you Monkey!
Family - duno when we can all meet up together now
Living place - I don even have my own room now
People - from student to QS, I need to social more
Distance - like what me mate said 'from miles to miles'
and I CHANGED, from 56 to 66!
FAT face FAT arm and I can belly dance! WTF!
"Determination Jeffrey! say NO to supper!"
watever u say i am, I AM!